
This is "my" mashed&smashed up personal blog where I try to post useful stuff for people that are into sports, people that want technology to for for them and not vice versa, people looking for solutions to mobile phone problems especially Nokia and Android related, people that are interested in SEO in making money online and more...

Cherry Banana Smoothie

Well, this is a recipe that is not really a recipe because it's so short and simple. I just must write a few things so this post is not so short that it does not make any sense and it end up being irrelevant to search engines. If you look closely at this Cherry Banana Smoothie recipe, you will notice the is a link to another recipe site there. Yep. That's one of my sites. So what am I doing with this recipe for banana smoothie?

Well (second well, I really must stop using well all the time...), it goes something like this. Let's say I have a recipe site I want to promote. I like cooking, food, recipes and I like also to make some money from the recipes I publish. So I need visitors to my recipes sites like that banana bread one over there. Visitors come from search engines (the best ones) and... hell, I'm sure you already know all this. So I'll just explain why I'm writing this post.

The link to my banana bread recipe site in this banana smoothie recipe is permanent. That means it will stay forever (if I can count on the owner :)). This gives me a chance that instead of chasing around for more links I strengthen the links I've already got. I do this by writing this piece of no good making no sense post about cherry banana smoothies and banana bread recipes and stick it to this blog.

Yeah, this is the reason for having this blog. To write some crap and get some benefits from it. You might see people talking about it all the time, but you dont actually see people doing it. So read this and see how it's done :). Al least I do it this way. Does it work?

Well (for the third time, damn it). It kind of does. :) Anyway...since it's really hot over here right now... I might as well really make myself a cold banana cherry smoothie.

Unitl later....

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